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Marriage Certificate
Order Form

I/We need the Marriage Certificate

of myself / ourselves
of another couple
The possibility to purchase a marriage certificat of other persons is limited by the law.
Please state the reasons why you need this document:

Questions, you don't know the answer: just let the field empty. But please bear in mind: Any information more you can deliver increases the chance to get the document you need.

Place of Marriage:
(Town, Canton, Bundesland, Province):

(other countries: please ask me previously by e-mail)
Date of Marriage: (Day, Month, Year)
Family Name of Husband:
First Name(s) of Husband:
Birth Place of Husband:
Birth Date of Husband:
Nationality of Husband:
Maiden Name of Wife:
First Name(s) of Wife:
Birth Place of Wife:
Birth Date of Wife:
Nationality of Wife:
By my signature I am authorising Mr. Renato Caccia to procure the above mentioned marriage certificate.
Mit meiner Unterschrift beauftrage ich Herrn Renato Caccia mit der Beschaffung der obigen Heiratsurkunde.
Par ma signature, j'autorise M. Renato Caccia à se procurer l'acte de mariage susmentionné.
Con la presente autorizzo Sig. Renato Caccia a procurarsi l'Atto di Matrimonio succitato.
Date: Signature: __________________________________

If you need the Marriage Certificate in view of an administrative proceeding, please answer to the following questions:

What's the name of the authority which is
asking you for this marriage certificate?
Address (if available)
or residence place of this
(City and Country):

Additional needs:

Marriage Certificate on plurilingual international form

Consular Legalization or Apostille for the following country:

Translation of the Marriage Certificate into the following language:

furthermore a notarial legalization of the translation

furthermore a consular Legalization or Apostille for the translation

The Marriage Certificate should be sent to the following address:
Delivery by DHL (supplement € 60.00)

Name und First Name / Company:
Postal address (street and n° or P.O. Box)
Postal Code, Town and Country:
Your phone n°
Your fax n°
Your e-mail address

If you feel uncertain about your needs or about the fees in your particular case, ask for an estimate by e-mail

I enclose the following amount in cash
I'll pay the fees by credit card.
My Card number is: its expiry date is (Month/Year) /
I'll pay the fees online by credit card.
Please inform me how to do it.
I paid the fees by
"Western Union". The "Money Transfer Control Number" MTCN is as follows:
I enclose a personal check or a bank draft

Please fill in this form, print it out, sign it and send it by post or fax to:
Renato Caccia, Wehntalerstr. 115, CH-8057 Zurich
Fax from Switzerland: 044 361 70 16; Fax from other countries: +41 44 361 70 16
